Scandi Bureau - expand business in France

Success Story BabyBjörn


BabyBjörn is a Swedish family-owned company that manufactures safe and well-designed, quality products for babies and parents worldwide. We are passionate about simplifying everyday life, nurturing closeness, and helping families with young children to enjoy each precious moment.



BabyBjörn, among the world’s leading baby products, wanted to offer local support to its customers and end users in the French market.

The Swedish company therefore chose Scandi Bureau in 2010 to simultaneously offer a contact in France for the needs of shops and a B2C customer service.

We really appreciated the responsiveness, professionalism and customer focus of the teams on a daily basis. Scandi Bureau has been an integral part of our organisation in France for 12 years of fruitful collaboration.


Training of one of our resources at BabyBjörn to ensure the missions of :

  • Product support,
  • Order follow-up,
  • Presentation of new products to shops and sales training,
  • Animation, moderation and management of social networks according to the guidelines of BabyBjörn’s marketing teams.

Scandi Bureau set up two dedicated telephone numbers (end consumers and BabyBjörn’s customers) and a single e-mail address.

Use of Scandi Bureau’s backoffice management service for the monthly VAT declaration.

Learn more about our services


Continuous service for 12 years (2010-2022) provided by a single bilingual resource to manage both the French market and the appropriate people in Sweden.

Quality support by a dedicated contact person to deal with an average of 300 emails, 100 incoming calls and social networks (Facebook) per month.

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